Is it Time Yet? Counting Down the Days to Camping!

Is it Time Yet?  Counting Down the Days to Camping!

I’m not sure where you live but this white fluffy stuff gets a little old in February. Wait – maybe that’s not it. Maybe knowing that my friends and I can go camping very soon, makes us anxious to get through the last few weeks of winter. I have now lived through more than 20 cycles of “camping season is almost here”, to ”camping is here”, to ”can’t believe its over” to ”camping season is almost here”. We have tent-camped for many many years and have many favourite places. 

Editorial Note – Some Details about Rushing River

One of our favourite places (we have many including Birds Hill) is Rushing River in Ontario. Rushing River is about two and a half hours from Winnipeg, or about 20 minutes outside of Kenora.

Rushing River is a provincial park (so day passes are required) that sits on the Dogtooth Lake, and that leads to miles of canoe and fishing trips. The shore is a mix of large rock faces, pine trees and gentle ponds (depending on where your site it is.)

It has a wealth of campsites and has group, tent and RV sites. (For those that want to know, yes, it does have modern washrooms and showers.) There are the primo sites that line the lake (and usually require being booked six months before you go) and lots of rolling hills for those that like to go for iron man walks or runs.

Of course, the main show is the beach and lake, which flows into the Rushing River that is always a picturesque site to see. It’s great place to have a picnic – that’s if you can hear one another over the ”rushing water” nearby.

There’s plenty to do especially on the water, and folks can rent canoes and other water toys at the local store just a minute outside of the park gate. (Just want to say a shout out to all the staff at the Rushing River General Store and especially Donna who has always greeted us with a smile and looks for us each year.)

Bliss Reflection #9

Camping season feels too short, but it’s a ‘fifth’ season that brings me a lot of joy. Whether it’s sitting by the fire, enjoying a warm cup of coffee on a rock as the sun rises, or floating aimlessly with no destination on the Dogtooth Lake, camping is just good for the soul. 

That moment when you get to sit down after unpacking your car and setting up your site set up and the lake suddenly appears is priceless. I feel my blood pressure drop, just like that. And I can sit and stare for hours (and I am an extrovert). But when the lake is in front of you, you almost go into a trance. Talk about meditation! Peppered throughout those trances are bouts of laughter among my friends when we recall all the dumb things we’ve done in our lives. 

But it’s the water – that water – that draws us in. For brief moments, all is fine at work, at home and in the world. You marvel at how beautiful nature is and how this all just works together and creates ”this”. And somehow, you long to be floating on top of it, with nowhere to go and nothing else to do. 

Bliss Finds and Facts

  • Obviously, one of the resources I will share is the Ontario Parks Reservations website where you can book a campsite or RV site at Rushing River.
  • Want to better understand the science of being by a body of water and its impact on your mental health? Check out an article from the Huffington Post.
  • And to learn more about camping (if you’ve never been), there are several sites that talk about the basics. Here is one, but there are a ton out there.

Finding Your Northstar

Finding Your Northstar

Being a leader gives me joy. Hard to believe I have been a “leader” since I was 18 (I am now north of 45, more like 50!) I wasn’t always a good leader – it was a skill I had to keep refining and nurturing and doing and making mistakes and promising myself not to repeat it again. 

Those early days were a little painful. I was mistaken and thought a leader meant being in control. Wrong! While I have forgiven myself for not knowing better, I now see that there was a different approach I could have taken – one where you coach, mentor and encourage, and where you share a future vision, set standards and hold people accountable. I came to that realization through self reflection (which I’ll discuss in a later blog) and finding my “north star”. My mental model that helped me “own” my style of leadership was from a book I had read by Kouzes and Posner, called The Leadership Challenge

Bliss Reflection #7

That’s when life changed for me as a leader. If it wasn’t for me making some painful mistakes, I don’t think I would have been motivated to reflect and ask myself if what I had been doing as a leader was working. (That’s always an important question to ask yourself as a leader.) I realized that what I had been doing, was not ”me” or me being authentically myself. So after searching through many many books on leadership, I finally found the one – ”The Leadership Challenge” – that I thought “yah, this is it, this makes complete sense”. The model isn’t complicated, and the book does an excellent job of explaining the model and each of the five elements:

  • Create a Shared Vision
  • Challenge the Status Quo
  • Model the Way
  • Enable Others to Act
  • Encourage the Heart

Each one resonates for me, and whether I have been in for-profit, non-profit, in health or education, I have found that this model works for me, and works every single time. It works in times of chaos and stress and in times of stability, it works with millennials and mature employees and it works in small and large teams. Having this “north star” has allowed me to ”own” my style and to be consistent in it. It has helped turn my leadership around from being ”controlling” to now building leaders who go on to be great leaders. I’ll feature each of the five elements later in my blogs, but this model has changed the way I lead.Once you practice it everyday, it becomes almost rote -not in a robotic way, but in an “authentic in every moment” way. 

This model has helped me find the joy in leading and leading leaders. Having this model has helped me reflect on what is important to me (and to the team and the organization) and has allowed me to grow and stretch. It has taken a lot of practice and a few more mistakes (even today). But now that I have found my stride and own my style, I find great joy in seeing the impact this type of leadership has on my colleagues, my organization and my customers. What’s your leadership framework? What’s your “north star”?

Bliss Finds and Facts

  • If you want to read more about the model that works for me, check out The Leadership Challenge website. What I really like about this leadership model is that they also offer various tools and resources, including self and 360-degree assessments to help you understand what more you can do to be consistent with the model.
  • Another thought leader that I have enjoyed reading and following is Simon Sinek and his book ”Start with Why”. 

Taking a Risk with Wallpaper!

Taking a Risk with Wallpaper!

Redecorating can give you a fresh perspective. It can also teach you about what brings you joy and happiness.

Years ago, when I bought my first house, I chose a bold colour for my living room – red as an accent wall. Bold move, and I! I know it’s not for everyone but I loved that wall. Jump forward 15 years and I thought, ”Hmmm, it’s time for a change”.  

After many hours of researching, I came across a new wallpaper that you can remove easily. That made me interested – for a whole host of reasons. I wanted a new feel to the room but I was also worried about making a mistake and having to live with it for many years. I came across this brand of wallpaper called NuWallpaper.

It’s wallpaper with a special backing on it, which can be removed easily without the pain of removing the usual wallpaper. This means that if in a few years you move or wish to put up a fresh colour, you can do so quite easily. It goes up just like typical wallpaper, and looks like it too. (I will update you on the wear and tear and the process I used later.) In total, I started the project on Monday (while on vacation) and finished it within a couple of hours.


Applying it is a little different than other wallpapers. With the usual wallpapers, when its ”wet” you can usually shift it while its in contact with the wall. However, after that, that’s the only difference.

There is no need to apply any water or to activate the paste. All you need to do is unpeel a portion of the paper to reveal the sticky backing, and apply the first few inches. You can lift and replace as you need. It’s important to get that first row or column straight as it will make the rest of your panels go very quickly.

Keep unrolling the backing and placing the wallpaper onto the wall. Every foot, take a wallpaper plastic scraper and smooth out the air bubbles, so that the wallpaper lays completely flat and adheres to the surface. Again, getting this first panel down is a critical step that makes this project easy.

Work your way to the bottom and using an exacto knife to cut the panel at the bottom as cleanly as possible. Use a straight edge or rule to cut against and to make a clean straight line. Then onto the next panel, and repeat.

When you put the next panel on, you need to match up the pattern. I always matched and started out at the top and worked my way down. In order to match the pattern, you may see a longer lip at the top will form. Not to worry, once you get a few feet of matched seams going, you can cut off that top portion (with a straight edge also). You can also do a small 1/4 to 1/2 inch seam between panels (where one panel over laps the other, just like regular wallpaper.)

Keep applying the next panel, smoothing out the bubbles and matching the seams and then when you get to the last panel, cut off the portion that spills over the corner. (I only put wallpaper on one wall so that it could serve as an accent wall.)


I had one panel or roll of wallpaper that had a slight colour discolouration. Ugggh. So I put the removal of the wallpaper to the test. I simply peeled up a corner at the bottom edge and began pulling up the wallpaper. I slowly increased the edge until both hands had a good grip on the bottom edge. And then I just pulled it up slowly. Et voila. The wall paper came off and no residue, no paper to scrape off, etc.

I simply took the roll that better matched the previous panel and started again, and that panel stuck to the wall perfectly. No lifting or portions that ”just don’t stick”.

One tip based on my error – make sure the lots for the wallpaper are all the same. It will prevent funny colour mismatches and having to peel it off and do a ”re-do”.

Time to Complete

And there you have it. I included the before, during and after photos below so you can see how this project progressed.

Time to complete: 1 afternoon (if you want to ensure the seams and patterns match, and there are no air bubbles.)


Its been 4 months since I gave a facelift to my living room. The wallpaper is holding up, the colour isn’t fading (even though my room has a hot southern sun on it) and no scratches or scrapes anywhere. Post Covid people have started coming over and they have all remarked on the aesthetic and look!

Bliss Reflection

Standing back and seeing the finished product gives me such joy. That’s not a surprise or unique just to me. Everyone feels that moment of relief when any reno or project is complete. 

Doing this wallpaper (or painting, or hanging up new prints, etc) is my form of art. I was never good at art – my sister got that talent. But my ”canvas” is my home, my walls, and my rooms. I get to pick my color palettes, textures and tools.

And I love being able to shape it based on what I see and feel. I love that moment when it all comes together – from ”old and dull” or ”so a decade ago” to ”wow – this feels good” and ”this is me”. Now I know colours, textures and ”things” aren’t me, but its how i get to express myself and I get some added bliss when others see what I see. 

I suspect when you get to make your space feel cozy and ”you”, it does something for your headspace. It makes you feel in tune with your environment and just makes you feel like things are flowing and you feel at peace in your corner of the world.

And these art projects don’t have to be big – for me it was just changing the colour of one wall, and suddenly it’s just a whole new feeling. It’s scary, it sometimes takes more steps than you ever planned, but allowing to myself be artistic, truly does something for my soul. The trick is, you have to find what kind of ‘art’ you like doing and to take that first step.

Bliss Hints and Tips

  • NuWallpaper has a lot of information and resources that you can use to decide if this wallpaper is right for you. You can even use their room previewer to see if the pattern you love will work in your space (thank goodness I did, as I would have made a mistake if I used the first one I loved.)
  • If you want to tackle this wallpaper thing, here’s a great and detailed blog that provide a simple and easy guide. Start a small project and learn how it feels. Once you do it a few times, you get the groove.
  • And yes, you guessed it, there is a science behind interior decorating having an impact on your well being.  Check it out.
  • NEW – for some inspiration and ideas, check 80+ ideas from House and Home.

Dancing Like No One is Watching

Dancing Like No One is Watching

How could I start a blog and my own “personal magazine” on joy and optimism without highlighting a Canadian who has probably been the beacon of joy – Gurdeep Pandher. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he danced into everyone’s hearts through his series of east Indian dances out in a northern Canadian wilderness. Here’s someone I think got it right during COVID – he became his own one man social marketing initiative with one goal – get up, get outside, dance and feel some joy! When all of us felt scared, worried, anxious or fearful, we had Gurdeep. If you ever watched his dance, how could you not smile?

Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes and dance.

– Oprah Winfrey

Bliss Reflection #6

Dancing can have such a joyous effect on me. Being someone with a healthcare background, I know how the endorphins start pumping out the feel-good hormones. But for me, there is also something more.

Dancing – whether its Gurdeep’s version, dance aerobics like Zumba, or just dancing in your living room – quickly makes me smile, and for a while, the anxiety (that I sometimes struggle with) goes away. Even watching someone dance has the same effect on me.

Letting go is life-giving – and dancing like no one is watching gives me freedom. It gets my ticker going and it really helps me lighten my load mentally and emotionally. I have recently reengaged with “dancing”, either by blaring all my Alexa speakers throughout the house, or doing some dance aerobics. I have little to no rhythm, but who cares? No one is watching, right? 

Bliss Finds and Facts

  • Check out Gurdeep’s Youtube Channel. Also, check out dance for joy and positivity.
  • If you have never heard of Zumba(!) here is a website to get you started. Zumba is one style of dance aerobics and classes are available almost anywhere so look up some local classes. You won’t regret it.
  • For folks wanting to understand the impact dance can have, Harvard Medical School has a good primer to get you started. Another interesting article is available from

So What Will You Plant in your Garden This Year?

So What Will You Plant in your Garden This Year?

Spring just generally brings people a lot of happiness. For those who live in snow covered locations, it’s always a refreshing time where the days are warmer and longer.

It’s also a time to plan out your garden for the year ahead. Each year, in around February, I start mapping out my gardens. A few years ago, I spent many weekends laying new flower beds and then also building a small, above-ground vegetable garden. I planted quite a few perennials and then peppered things with annuals for colour.

To make the shopping easier, I created a helpful costing spreadsheet that has helped me predict the costs and keep me focused when in the greenhouse. (Many gardeners know how going to a greenhouse without some focus can be a daunting task!) 


I had a few questions about the free spreadsheet I included in this post. So I have included my own spreadsheet so folks can see what the finished product looks like. I use this spreadsheet as my checklist (as sometimes I don’t shop for all my plants in 1 place) and also know how much to budget for. If you are a nerd like me, I also look at what it costs me each year, so I know my trend year over year.

It has snowed up here recently (in mid April, good.ness) and so I usually have my plants by now. I hope to start my shopping in a couple of weeks and will show folks how I use my spreadsheet and stay organized. This spreadsheet has helped me turn my visit to the nursery to be an adventure that I look forward to versus being overwhelmed.

Bliss Reflections #3

Planning the colours and heights of all my plants for the upcoming season is good for my soul. I love planning but I love knowing that in a few short weeks, I will be outside working the soil and opening the garden for the spring and summer seasons.

Being around nature and watching your backyard come back to life is very exciting. My garden is a work in progress – more art in the eye of the beholder, and not yet down to a science. I think I like that imperfection anyway. Sometimes I have bald patches where I simply failed to water a new plant enough, to spots where I got the proportions wrong and have a tall delphinium in front of short aster. In other spots, I may overcrowd my plants and I lose some of the focus.

But each year, I try. I let go of perfection and appreciate that each year I learn what the garden wants in that particular spot. And then suddenly, there’s there one year, where you get an area right and you say to yourself “okay, now that works!” And I snap a picture of the spot where I think I got it right.

While I wouldn’t call my yard a masterpiece, it has given me many years as a peaceful retreat, and each spring season it forgives my errors from the previous year. Its a great place to ”just breathe” and become a human ”being”.

Bliss Finds and Facts

  • There are a lot of gardening apps and resources out there. Ones that I love using are the apps that help you determine “what plant this is”. For a list, check out this website from You Had Me at Gardening. Not only are the apps “tried and tested” but website has some great tips and resources for avid gardeners too! I love these apps because they spark the curiosity in me and I always learn more about the plants I have in my garden.
  • If you want to read more about the meditative effect gardening has or how to make your garden your own nirvana, check out some of these sites:
  • NEW – The ”go to” website that I have used over the years to help plan my garden design is Better Homes and Gardens. This site taught me how to layer the plantings so that I had colour throughout the seasons, and also created some ”depth” to the garden.

Finding Bliss in the 9-5

Finding Bliss in the 9-5

Work can sometimes drain you. But would you believe that even when you “think” that, that you can still find several moments of joy everyday?

The answer is – yes! Sometimes it comes from others and when you least expect it, but maybe when you need it the most. I have a few colleagues that worked with me in the past and have sent me a note about something I did or said as their “boss” that makes me reflect and appreciate them. What touches is me is the fact they took the time to reach out. Time out of their busy day to let me know how I made an impact on their work and their life.

Coincidences are not accidents but signals from the universe which can guide us toward our true destiny. 

– Deepak Chopra

Bliss Reflection #5

While it would be easy for me to reflect on what I did to leave that impact, I am choosing to express my gratitude to all of the former coworkers that somehow knew the right time to reach out (spiritually maybe). What’s also interesting is that they always reach out just when I question if what I do as a leader matters. Apparently, it does. I am amazed at the kind people I have been lucky to work with. Those souls that give of themselves to others.

Folks have reached out via LinkedIn and email, with physical cards and or told me ”just in the moment”. And the fact that people take the time to send these thoughts to me, is what makes me even more grateful. Each and every time, without fail.

So as Deepak Chopra points out, I am choosing to see these notes as the universe slowly guiding me in my leadership journey. Whether you believe in angels or spirit guides, these messages tell me to keep going, and tell me to keep going and to stay with style of leadership. What these folks may not realize is that I have also kept these notes and every so often, pull them out and just remind myself what really matters. To all of the kind souls – THANK YOU.

Bliss Finds and Facts

  • If you want to dig further into the meaning of coincidences or synchronicity, check out the Law of Attraction website. It’s a good launching pad to understanding how some folks view these coincidences.
  • As for gratitude and the art of expressing thanks and the benefits of doing so, read the following article from Huffington Post.

Laughter Through the Trees (and maybe Snowshoeing too)

Laughter Through the Trees (and maybe Snowshoeing too)

As the producer and actor James Gandolfini said ”I love to hear people laugh!” So true. Joy can come from hearing others laugh.

I finally got to go out with a group of avid snowshoers and spend a lovely Saturday out in the woods in Manitoba. The Bird River Canyon trail is a trail (but no longer an official provincial trail) with some amazing views and photo spots with a lot of spots for a picnic. Folks will see rock outcrops, large pine trees wrapping the sky above you and plenty of flowing water. It’s a fairly easy hike with a few ups and downs, making it a great trail to visit. I have yet to see this in the summer (I’m told it’s beautiful) but its definitely a place to see in winter. The beauty of this place is that it is rustic and just about the nature. I don’t think there are even picnic tables or washrooms, so this is an “everything is on your own”.

”I love to hear people laugh!”

– James Gandolfini

Bliss Reflection

While the main feature is the natural beauty, hearing all the joyous laughter was my bliss moment. This moment wasn’t about my joy, but the joy being felt by others.

Hearing all the laughs, and seeing all the smiles peppered through the trees, made my heart happy. Three hours later, the sharing and laughter was still strong.

As I exited the trail I realized that not only did I get the endorphins flowing from the snowshoeing, but that I had some renewed optimism that even when life was stressful and feeling “too (insert your word here)”, I left feeling light. Being in nature has a lot to do with “seeing” the beauty around you, but this time my walk in the woods had more to do with “hearing” the beauty of friendship and laughter. Sometimes those great moments in life are about seeing the joy in others. 

Bliss Finds and Facts:

  • For those looking for some cheer from the woods, and maybe a few unique adventures, look up some trails from Travel Manitoba – spring, summer, winter and fall.
  • Here’s a great app to help discover even more trails for your future adventures
  • If you want to learn more about all the hikes in Manitoba, check out, Hike Manitoba.
  • To join a group to get out and enjoy nature and friendship, there’s always Meetup. It offers a wealth of social groups for like minded individuals and who knows, could bring you your bliss moments.
  • And finally, did you know your physician can prescribe you to be out in nature (and a park pass)? Check out this article from the CBC for more info.

He Ho: It’s Time for Festival!

He Ho: It’s Time for Festival!

Like many, we‘ve been hit with snow storm after snow storm up here, and its been a long, hard and cold winter. Snow drifts are almost a regular feature and never have I seen the snow piled so high in my yard. Maybe more on that in a later post. 

So how is this connected to joy? Well, sometimes you have to just find it! And this weekend, my sister and made that choice! Off we went in blizzard-like conditions to the Festival Du Voyageur, a local festival honouring Manitoba’s Francophone community. Festival is just that – a festival of food, music, history, outdoor play and amazing snow sculptures. In fact, Festival usually draws snow sculpture artists from all over the world. You can even try the local food including delicious pea soup, bannock, tourtiere (meat pie), and to-die-for maple sugar pie. You should also try the “caribou” – a port-like tasting alcoholic drink that will warm you up right away!

The local fare

You also can learn more about the history of the fur trading routes including the role of Fort Gibralter, which I learned had a main purpose of being a provisioning fort for the voyageurs travelling through the region. I’ve got a curious mind, so I made it a point to ask each of the staff more questions about the fort and learned a lot about a generation of people way before my time. 

Whether you want to go with your girlfriends, or with your family, or just with you and your adult sister –Festival is for you! It’s a great way to spend an afternoon or evening, and even adults without kids can have a great time!

Bliss Reflection #11

I think my bliss moment at Festival came when out of the blue, one of staff invited my sister and I to go down a slide (with the kids). Years ago, I would have said “no thanks” – maybe too cool, maybe thought I was too old, or whatever. But this year, my answer was “yes!” And off we went.

At first I just kept thinking “don’t get stuck” but I quickly realized I had to let go of that thought and just enjoy the moment. So down I went, and I felt the “pure joy” just like I did when I was a kid going down slides in the park. For those brief seconds, I was reminded what being worry-free felt like. 

I think that’s something we forget as adults – how to allow ourselves to have those moments to be worry free or even free to just enjoy that moment without judgment or deep thought. Down that slide, for those few seconds, I was elated. And when I popped out the other end, I laughed so hard. And it made me wonder  – if I had said no, I would have missed out on this moment. And there in that moment, I promised myself not to say no to these kinds of moments anymore. 

My “inside-my-head” voice would have prevented me from going down the slide. How many times do we allow that voice to win and we miss out? I think we may do that too much. That brief slide for me, made me change the way I think. (And if you’re wondering, yes, when I go back to Festival, I am going back down that slide!)

Bliss Finds and Facts

  • Festival Du Voyageur lasts about a week, about the third week of February every year (barring something like COVID-19). If you’ve never been, I highly suggest you give it a try. Everyone speaks French and English and you can play, eat, learn, and dance – all at the same time. And you’re NEVER too old to take part. Give it a try if you’ve never been or haven’t been in years. And “he-ho!”
  • If you’re like me and you want to read more about the history of the area, culture etc., you can read more about the voyageurs here. At least this will get you started. And what I didn’t know is that the voyageurs didn’t just travel in Canada, but across North America.
  • And in case you needed just a little more convincing about the importance of play in adulthood, check out the following site from Wanderlust for some new perspective and information.

What Made All Those Tracks in My Yard?

What Made All Those Tracks in My Yard?

My first blog! Covid has been rough. R-O-U-G-H. To survive, I had to force myself to find some joy or ”bliss”. And while I did it kicking and screaming some days, I did it….and have kept going. And started this blog to keep going and to prove to myself that I can find the joy in the everyday.

And I am choosing to find some joy in knowing that on this very cold post-blizzard day in the northern Prairies that I can still smile when I see my neighbour’s footprints in my yard.

The neighbour is a small northern wild rabbit that has chosen to make a home in my snow covered snow bushes. Particularly this past winter, I have noticed a lot more trails in my yard leading to my cedar bushes. So its clear all these trails are there with a purpose – to lead them to food or to lead them home. The other day (due to triggering my Ring camera), I realized that there is more than one “neighbor” in my yard. What a surprise!

Bliss Reflection #1

Knowing that I can share my yard with the woodland creatures gives me joy. Whether the birds, the rabbits or my own four-legged creature, I feel blessed that even in the dead of winter, there is life in my yard.

I have taken pleasure in watching all the bunny trails throughout my yard, and the many chickadees perching on my apple tree. Its not quite Noah’s Ark but the sights and sounds make me feel like I have my own park right in my backyard. I know some of these cottontails can be a nuisance (particularly for gardeners) but I’ve just learned to cohabitate – by planting flowers that bunnies don’t like or putting up cages to protect the veggies. And if in the summer they choose to have some of my lettuce, so be it. 

And well, having a little Terrier in the yard usually means that these neighbours only come out at night of very early in the AM, because the dog (built like a mack track) will come charging out of the house and between my legs and ”zzzzzhuuuup”, its a blur of dog and bunny. (Don’t worry, the bunny ALWAYS outruns the dog by a mile.)

Taking taking a moment to stop and look at the bunny trails in my yard is a peaceful moment in my day. I look at these trails with curiosity – how many rabbits are there? Is it a family? How to do they stay warm? Where are they finding food? In the cold and bleak winter up north, it’s always nice to see life in your own backyard. And the joy also comes from not forcing any interaction with the creatures, rather by choosing to just take it all in and observe. 

Bliss Finds and Facts:

  • Although I rarely see my “neighbours”, because they always are so fast, I have caught some glimmers of their beige salt and pepper fur. According to an 2017 article in ”Cottage Life”, it looks like I may have a ”white-tailed jackrabbit” in my yard. (See ) (I’ll do an update after I confirm the species with our local municipality.)
  • I found a great article that goes into more detail about this particular species at ThoughtCo. They’ve collected some really interesting facts such as habitat, behaviour and diet.
  • I also found a cool app for kids from a ”famous” Canadian Wildlife Federation and their Hinterland Who’s Who resource. Growing up in Canada, you would always see the Hinterland Who’s Who commercials featuring our rich and vast cast of characters. The app takes a fun approach to helping kids (and adults) learn more about the creatures and wildlife across Canada using video games, fact cards and even a scavenger hunt.

I Am Basia

I Am Basia

On a journey to find my joy in the everyday!

I chose the photo because it’s actually what I do! If I agree with an important point. I chime in with an ”exactly!” Or if my team gets something across the finish line, up goes those arms in cheer and I say ”good job guys!” Yes a little dramatic but hey, it’s me! But the photo embraces me and I couldn’t pick a better photo that says ”joy”!

So why not celebrate when you feel that moment of spring joy in the air?