How to Plant Seeds – The Easy Way

How to Plant Seeds – The Easy Way

The Beginning

I would call myself a beginner gardener even though I have been gardening for many years. Maybe I am still a gardening “learner .”I make mistakes, and I try to learn from them.

In my post on Zinnias, I shared that my mom had the green thumb in the family, and I tried to learn from her. She seemed to know which plants did well in this prairie climate (Zone 3) and knew things like how to fertilize the ground with eggshells and coffee grounds. When she sprinkled this mix into the ground, I wondered why she spread old food all over the garden. I thought it was some old country myth. I was wrong! She knew what she was doing, and she had great success.

Fast forward to it being “my turn” at gardening. While my repertoire of plants is broader, I continuously learn about gardening, from placement to fertilizing to growing a garden from seed.

Growing plants from seed has been my biggest learning project. Some years it’s been successful, and other years, I put them out too early, and they suffered from wind or sunburn! But, there’s a science to growing from seeds and here are my hints and tips for making you more successful.


Pick your flowers

Perhaps an obvious step, but the first step is picking the plants you wish to start from seed. I tend to favour “easier” seeds that are easy to grow in trays, like zinnias, cosmos, tomatoes, etc. Many guides and posts can help you start with the easier seeds.

Prepare and plant away

I use Jiffy seed starter trays with the base, soil pellets, and dome. All you have to do is water the pellets with warm water. Then pour warm water onto the pellets till they expand and are thoroughly moist and look like the photo below.

Pull back the netting a little and put 1-2 seeds into each soil pellet. Lightly dust earth over the seed. After covering all of the seeds, place the dome on top and ensure you have a seal. (This seal is critical because it will allow the humidity and warmth to help the seed germinate.)

Hint: Make sure you read the seed packet and check whether the seeds need to be soaked overnight. Soaking the seeds overnight softens the seed’s shell (and, in this case, particularly hard shells) to break open more easily.

Warm it up

Seeds need a warm place and a darker or less sunny spot to germinate. Depending on the seed, it can. Take anywhere from 2 to 7 days (sometimes more) for the first sign of life to sprout. Putting my seeds on a warm floor or near a warm vent ensures that all my seeds sprout.

Take it off

When you see the first signs of life, pop open the dome but don’t take it off yet. It’s almost ready to come off, but you want to give the slower seeds a chance to sprout. By popping it off, you also provide the seeds that have already grown a chance to breathe.

The Zinnia seeds in this photo sprouted on day 2 (see image below), and then I popped open the lid on Day 3 when the seedlings looked a little more established.

My cosmos and calendula, on Day 3, we’re getting there but not quite ready to pop off the lid. But by Day 4, the cover came off.

Move to a sunny location

If you are unsure if you want to invest in grow lights, put the trays near a sunny window. Once the dome is off, the sun is essential to its growth. I find that I rotate the tray so that the plant gets even sunshine, and you don’t get a plant “leaning” to one side (to catch the sun).

One note is that having it near a sunny southern window is essential as there is a lack of good sunshine, and the plant goes leggy. This is where the seedling grows a very tall long stalk to try to reach the sun. And a leggy plant is usually much harder to transplant to the soil/garden. So the goal is a strong stalk.

Let the plant grow and strengthen here for a while. You want the plant to produce a few leaves (not just its initial two leaves) and the stem to thicken slightly.

Mine got a little leggy!

Harden off

Next, it’s time to get the plant to adjust to the outdoors slowly. Again, this hardening off is essential. It’s the secret ingredient between the plant thriving or dying outdoors as soon as you plant it.

Hardening off is where I always mess up. I either move the plant to the natural sun too quickly or leave it too long outdoors in the first few days. The goal is a slow and gradual period of adaptation over two weeks. Then, each day you expose the plant to the sun until it’s outdoors 100%

Once there are a few leaves (not just the initial ones), you can transplant them to the garden bed once they harden off. Make sure you keep the seed packet. It will provide info on when to transplant and how to space the plants properly. I plant the pellets, netting and all into the ground (I may loosen the mesh a bit) and then on to usual care.


Once the plants have hardened off, its time to put them into the ground.. Now, here is where I go to the experts to help me with how to plant in the ground. And who better to consult than Almanac.

The one tip I will give is to keep these new seedlings watered. And its a balance. You can’t over water but drying them out is almost a guarantee that the seedling won’t make it. So if you transplant it into the soil., try not to do it on a hot day and make sure you will be able to commit to daily waterings at least for a week.

Bliss Reflection

I’ve written in previous blogs about how gardening brings me joy. Growing plants from seeds brings some added joy because I get to be part of watching a new plant come to life in a small and humbling way. If you are a gardener, you get what I am saying.

Although I “simply” put a seed into soil and water it, I marvel at how the seed knows how to germinate and then turn into this beautiful plant in the sun. And then the added bliss comes when you are sitting outside, sipping wine, and you can say “I grew those” to your friends.

Planting from seed isn’t always easy. But, without getting too philosophical, it teaches you some humility because sometimes, a plant doesn’t take. You realize you don’t know it all, and you don’t control all. You remind yourself what you still have to learn.

But so far, there are many more positives to growing from seed. And I would encourage everyone to give it a try. It may take a few growing seasons before you get the hang of it, but having plants in your garden that you nurtured gives you some added bliss and smiles over the summer.

Bliss Hints and Tips

  • In addition to the Almanac (a trusted gardeners friend), many of the seed companies offer some good hints and tips in terms of planting from seed. Also there are a few really good seed companies, like William Dam Seeds in Canada, that have years of experience and expertise, and offer a wide variety in terms of seeds.
  • Many universities offer a wealth of local information for gardeners. For example, here is a great resource from the University of Minnesota.
  • A neat tool is a soil temperature tracker. Here is one for the United States. Soil temperature is a good indicator as to when its ready to plant your seedlings. Consult your local university extension to know when its the right temp in your area.
  • And there is an app for that too. Here are some helpful apps from Country Living.

A Memorable Spring in the South – Part 2

A Memorable Spring in the South – Part 2

I just had a memorable spring in the south! I have been down to Nashville a few times in my lifetime. We all know that Nashville is THE Music City, and if you want to hear some great country, rock or bluegrass, you can find it in Nashville.

I recently visited Nashville as part of a conference, and even though I had been before, I decided to try something different. If you have never been, visiting the Grand Old Opry, listening to live country music and enjoying some southern cooking is a must.

On my third time down, I decided to go for the historical perspective on Nashville and was lucky enough to do a few tours of a couple of southern mansions. One I stumbled on as I drove on a quick errand and came across The Hermitage and home of former President Andrew Jackson.

The other I found online using the Viator app (a tour company I had used when I was in Europe). The second one, Belle Meade, a mansion and thoroughbred farm, was also dripping in southern hospitality.

Both homes are grand in scale and oozing history. In my previous blog on touring the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I mentioned my love of museums. You can get lost in all that history, and museums always give you a new perspective on life. They teach you what life was like back when but also teach you what we have learned and what yet we have to learn.

Two Southern Mansion Tours

The two tours – The Hermitage and Belle Meade – were stunning. They were stunning both in terms of the dwellings and surrounding lands and rich in history and stories of southern life – good and bad.

Both featured families who owned the land centuries ago and, in their way, made a rich and luxurious living in Nashville. But you also learn about the darker side of the era where both farms saw civil wars and had a history with slavery.

As I said earlier my earlier post, it’s essential to learn about our history, good and bad. But, it’s also important to remember that museums tell you “a” story, and it is also essential to keep learning even after you leave the museum.

Tour #2: Belle Meade


Belle Meade is another southern mansion infamous worldwide as a thoroughbred farm. This farm is the place that sired horses like Iriquois, Seabiscuit and Secretariat. It was “born” in 1807, and the last family lived in this mansion in the early 1900s; in the 1950s, it became a historical location.

Belle Meade, otherwise known as “beautiful meadow,” is a former 1200-acre farm located within Nashville in the southwestern part. Today, Belle Meade is a historical museum with tours of the mansion and winery, including wine tastings, gift shops, and food and wine pairings.

The Tour

Like the Hermitage, Belle Meade is a grand and beautiful place. Not only can you visit inside the mansion and see what life was like in the 1800s, but you can spend time wandering the beautiful grounds and see how a farm from that era lived and operated.

My tour started in the mansion. Again, and like the Hermitage, the main hall is grand with 14-foot high ceilings. To the left is a beautifully laid-out dining table full of trimmings. A small family room is equally decadent and detailed, with a southern flair to the right.

Upstairs you find the bedrooms and a whole other living area, including a sitting room, a small kitchen, and a summer veranda. Again, I marvel at the decor and the attention to detail that has taken place to re-enact the living quarters of this civil war-era home. You can almost see the families travelling from room to room.

Lace, pastel colours, brass, dark walnut wood, and deep rich colours are everywhere. Beds are equally decadent with mile-high beds – which was a thing in that era. Elaborately decorated fireplaces are everywhere (the primary heating for the room).

Again, the mansion’s history also includes stories of the enslaved people who were this beautiful museum’s backbone. Two individuals who became emancipated were why this farm was so successful – Bob Green and Susannah Carter.

  • Bob Green was a world-renowned horse trainer that was an expert in his field. As head groom, he trained famous horses like Iroquois, Bramble, Enquirer and Luke Blackburn. Future descendants would be Seabiscuit and Secretariat.
  • Susannah Carter was the entrusted house servant and essentially ran the house. The Harding family, owners of Belle Meade, relied on Susannah to run the entire home, and she ensured the condition of the home was worthy of all its esteemed guests.

After touring the mansion, I wandered out with the group and sampled some wine from the local winery. I may have even taken a bottle home.

Afterwards, I spent time slowly wandering the grounds, including visiting the cabin of the enslaved people on this farm, the ice house, the smokehouse, and the stable house.The 30-acre grounds in the spring include grand southern trees and a sprinkling of vibrant spring colour and lush green grass.

My tour lasted 2 hours and was a blend between guided and self-guided. And as you can tell, I quite enjoy the self-guided.


I was lucky enough to pick up a book with some authentic recipes from the era. Perfect Southern hospitality recipes that all sound delicious while not low in fat. I just purchased the book and have tried one recipe that had become a favourite and reminded me of the Affogato coffee recipe that I loved when I visited Australia a few years ago.

Coffee Punch

2 quarts of strong brewed coffee (8 cups)
1 pint of cold milk (2 cups)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 cup sugar
2 quarts vanilla ice cream
1/2 pint heavy cream
1/2 tablespoon ground nutmeg

Assemble all ingredients and utensils. In a deep bowl, combine coffee, milk, vanilla and sugar. Chill. Break ice cream into chunks in punch bowl just before serving; pour chilled coffee mixture over ice cream. Whip cream and spoon into mounds on top of the punch. Sprinkle with nutmeg.

Recipe From: Meet Me at Belle Meade: Timeless Images and Flavourful Southern Recipes from a Sanctuary of Southern Hospitality by Andrew B. Miller, Mary Lawson and Daisy King (2014). Southwestern Publishing House: Nashville, TN.

Bliss Reflection

I love to wander. I am not 100% sure why, but I love to wander and learn about the life, people, traditions, and history.

Travelling, for me, is the school of life. It’s a history, geography, social studies and science lesson wrapped into one. Sure I heard about the civil war, southern plantations, and enslaved people in history books.

But until you are there, you don’t appreciate the stories, struggles and successes in the same way. There is so much more meaning to those stories when you see the place where it happened.

I consider myself blessed for being able to travel as I do. That came to a complete stop during Covid. And Nashville was the first trip in a post- Covid environment – ok, maybe a quieter period during Covid.

Being there just for four days gave me life. It once again fed my curiosity. I always leave with lots of questions and a renewed appreciation for the talent in a non-digital and non-tech world.

The artistry in the buildings, wood, food, and agriculture is impressive. But, seeing it in person allows everything you studied in school to leap off the page. And if you are like me, these travels inspire you to want to read and understand more.

So, it’s important to allow yourself to wander. Take the time to breathe and play.

Bliss Hints and Tips

A Memorable Spring In the South

A Memorable Spring In the South

I have been down to Nashville a few times in my lifetime. We all know that Nashville is THE Music City, and if you want to hear some great country, rock or bluegrass, you can find it in Nashville.

I recently visited Nashville as part of a conference, and even though I had been before, I decided to try something different. If you have never been, visiting the Grand Old Opry, listening to live country music and enjoying some southern cooking is a must.

On my third time down, I decided to go for the historical perspective on Nashville and was lucky enough to do a few tours of a couple of southern mansions. One I stumbled on as I drove on a quick errand and came across The Hermitage and home of former President Andrew Jackson.

The other I found online using the Viator app (a tour company I had used when I was in Europe). The second one, Belle Meade, a mansion and thoroughbred farm, was also dripping in southern hospitality.

Both homes are grand in scale and oozing history.

Two Southern Tours

In my previous blog on touring the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I mentioned my love of museums. You can get lost in all that history, and museums always give you a new perspective on life. They teach you what life was like back when but also teach you what we have learned and what yet we have to learn.

The two tours – The Hermitage and Belle Meade – were stunning. They were stunning both in terms of the dwellings and surrounding lands and rich in history and stories of southern life – good and bad.

Both featured families who owned the land centuries ago and, in their way, made a rich and luxurious living in Nashville. But you also learn about the darker side of the era where both farms saw civil wars and had a history with slavery.

As I said earlier, it’s essential to learn about our history, good and bad. But, it’s also important to remember that museums tell you “a” story, and it is also essential to keep learning even after you leave the museum.

In this two part series, I’ll share info on the Hermitage. And in Part 2, will share more about Belle Meade.

The Hermitage and Home of President Andrew Jackson (7th US President)


The Hermitage is a 1200-acre farm located in Nashville. In addition to the mansion, the grounds have a 1.5-mile walking trail peppered with buildings from the era, including a farm and the burial site of the former President, along with more modern trappings such as a gift shop, and café and a wine tasting area.

The Inside Tour

When you walk upon the Hermitage, you notice a grand mansion at the end of a tree-lined driveway. The grand scale of the front yard is breathtaking. As you walk up the trail in the front yard, you can’t help but notice the grand trees of the south lining each side of the driveway. You can almost see the horse-drawn carriage coming up the lane.

The Hermitage offers a guided tour, and once you arrive, staff greet you wearing era-appropriate costumes, and you quickly get a sense of the times.

Once inside, the grand scale of the 8000+ square foot residence and the 14-foot ceilings are stunning. The wrap-around Parisian wallpaper is so detailed that it tells a story. Yes, perhaps in today’s time, it would be over the top, but that hallway could be bigger than some of the main floors in homes today.

As you travel the rooms, you are cautioned not to touch any artifacts as many are centuries old. But the rooms are laid out with such detail that you would think the family would walk in any moment. Every room has the original furniture, including serving-ware, glassware, and décor such as clocks, frames and books.

On the tour, you travel to the main bedrooms, the main sitting room and the dining room. Next, you go up to the second floor and only visit the bedrooms for visitors. According to the tour guides, the second floor was only for visitors to the mansion. However, it welcomed all visitors, including those without a home who needed a place to rest. Therefore, these rooms were as equally decadent and luxurious.

Outside Tour

As you walk outside, you enter the sprawling homestead. You can take a 1.5-mile stroll throughout the property, visiting the original homestead (before the Jacksons built the mansion), the Springhouse cabin, and the enslaved people’s homes.

On your way back, you can go through the garden that holds the tombs of Andrew and Rachel Jackson.
To complete the tour and not feel rushed, you need about 2 ½ hours. In the end, you can choose to visit the gift shop, enjoy lunch and enjoy a wine tasting of authentic Nashville wine. (In terms of the wine, I was pleasantly surprised and bought myself a delicious red.)

Overall, I knew very little about the era and this President. However, stumbling on the Hermitage made for a perfect sunny southern afternoon.

Bliss Reflection

I love to wander. I am not 100% sure why, but I love to wander and learn about the life, people, traditions, and history.

Travelling, for me, is the school of life. It’s a history, geography, social studies and science lesson wrapped into one. Sure I heard about the civil war, southern plantations, and enslaved people in history books.

But until you are there, you don’t appreciate the stories, struggles and successes in the same way. There is so much more meaning to those stories when you see the place where it happened.

I consider myself blessed for being able to travel as I do. That came to a complete stop during Covid. And Nashville was the first trip in a post- Covid environment – ok, maybe a quieter period during Covid.

Being there just for four days gave me life. It once again fed my curiosity. I always leave with lots of questions and a renewed appreciation for the talent in a non-digital and non-tech world.

The artistry in the buildings, wood, food, and agriculture is impressive. But, seeing it in person allows everything you studied in school to leap off the page. And if you are like me, these travels inspire you to want to read and understand more.

So, it’s important to allow yourself to wander. Take the time to breathe and play.

Bliss Hints and Tips

  • To read more about The Hermitage, check out their main page
  • The Whitehouse (of course) has more information about the 7th President, Andrew Jackson
  • For more information on this controversial figure, read a story from

Powerful Moments that Shape Your Leadership- 20 Minutes a Day

Powerful Moments that Shape Your Leadership- 20 Minutes a Day

The Start

Good leadership takes practice. It also takes regular self-reflection in order to shape your leadership. This practice of self reflection goes all the way back to my start as a nurse.

In my student nursing days, I had to practice a daily “journal” that allowed me to reflect on my day, what I learned and what I could improve. The promise? Was that as a student, I would continue to grow due to the art of self-reflection.

Instructors would have us reflect on:

  • what we learned that day
  • how the practices on the ward compared to what we learned in class, and
  • what we could improve

We would sit in a circle, and each would go around and share. You can imagine various responses – from very brief answers to long detailed stories and analyses. We all looked unsure about the outcome and impact this would have on us. But we pressed on.

I have to admit, I even wondered, “why are we doing this?” and “will this work?” And this is from the keener and optimist in the group! But after the course was over, I realized that it had worked. Due to that moment of reflection, I allowed myself to be:

1) vulnerable
2) humble
3) kind to myself and
4) growth-minded

Shape Your Leadership

The only real training for leadership is leadership.

– Antony Jay

Fast forward to when I took on leadership positions and realized how much growing I had to do. Those early days were a little painful. In those days, I didn’t feel I had my groove or my flow in terms of leadership. It felt very clunky. And I struggled some days with sometimes feeling like I didn’t own my style and that I used the wrong tools for the wrong situations.

And then, I remembered my student nursing days and that initially ” useless ” journal and reflective exercises. (I had a lot to learn.) After realizing that it worked in my “student” days, I wondered if it could work in my “student” days as a new leader. And it did. I went from questioning everything I was doing to hitting my stride.

The exercise was simple – each day on my drive home, I would ask myself:

What about today lined up with my leadership “NorthStar.”
What about today didn’t and why?
What could I do better the next time?
And if I made a mistake, is there anything I can do tomorrow to correct it?

Practicing It

And so, each day as a new leader, I allowed myself to think about these questions. Each evening, on my commute home. I chose to do this on the commute home. And just like my nursing days, the first few reflections were slow and painful, and then they got easier and easier. But the practice made it more perfect, and I had to keep doing it each day and then I quickly got the hang of it and noticed the benefit.

A few days on the ride home, I felt joyful and light because I felt I “nailed it” and was true to my NorthStar, and then there were a few drives home where it was painful to relive my day because I knew I had made a mistake.

I still remember some of those – I openly got frustrated with a staff member or when I did an overkill action, and all about ego. Of course, I have had a few bad ones and many of them with ‘good intentions .’But the only word I can use for those moments is “ouch.”

I was so hard on myself those days too, and still can be today. But I cope with those days using this moment to reflect. I think I have slight anxiety or OCD, and I can easily play over a thought for hours. And using this reflective exercise allowed me to stop that spinning and enjoy the rest of my day outside of work.

But most importantly, it allowed me to reflect on how I was true to my NorthStar and helped me focus on how my everyday actions brought me closer to being in alignment. It allowed a very incremental way of owning my leadership style. So I had over 200 opportunities each year to learn and grow as a leader.

Were there nights I didn’t reflect, sure, but I always tried hard not to miss this “session” because then I was cheating myself. Cheating myself from growing and cheating myself from being present at home. But, again, those car ride reflections allowed me to keep work at work.

New mindset new results words letter, written on piece of memo paper, work desk top view. Motivational self development business typography quotes concept

Bliss Reflection

Those reflective moments taught me a lot. On those drives home, I defined my leadership values, grew as a leader, and recognized when my ego made me “step in it .” But, they also taught me that you could correct an error and ask your team member if we can “re-do yesterday” if possible. And I have done that a couple of times.

Each of those times, the staff handled it with grace and I with humility. But, I also used those moments to practice my leadership values and clarify my intentions and what I could have done differently. The feedback I received was that the staff appreciated my willingness to reflect on my actions and acknowledge my errors.

The feedback I received was that it helped build trust with my team and confidence in my leadership. And those moments allowed me to grow – probably grow the most – because those moments of admission forced me to look at myself and motivated me to work harder next time.

Those “if I could do it again moments” also allowed the staff member to share how my actions impacted them, and that was important for me to hear as a leader because it allowed me to shape my leadership model even more.

The reflections weren’t always about the bad things. Over time, and because of this drive home exercise, I had quite a few positive reflections. Frequently, I was able to identify the moments in alignment with my leadership framework and on those drives home, I was on a high.

And now, 20 years on, I am grateful for those student nursing days and this practice of self-reflection. Without them, I am not sure I would be the leader I am today. Don’t get me wrong, I am still learning and growing, but I am grateful for being shown the power of self-reflection. And in the end, I am a fan of those exercises and am now convinced that they work!

Bliss Hints and Tips

  • For another list of self-reflective questions as a leader, check out this post from Leaderonomics.
  • Kellogg School of Management also has some self-reflection questions – some of which I have used myself.

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

As I said in my earlier posts How to Take Some Baby Steps, and A Random Act of Kindness, feeding my curiosity brings me joy. But these stories aren’t about me. I’m curious about what brings my friends joy and bliss in their days.

Surprisingly, and maybe because we are friends, I discovered some similarities even though I interviewed them separately. But also heard about some key differences. And I learned a few new and interesting things about each of them.

While they each presented differing circumstances and very personal stories, they all realized that in order to find joy, they had to:

1) step out of their comfort zone
2) consciously choose to reframe or rethink how they looked at a situation and do that on a daily basis
3) take baby steps – no bing bang or one and done changes
4) realize they are just like everyone else around them and everyone started “here” at one point or another
5) be kind to themselves as they were “stretching”

Here is Buddy Bliss #3.

Buddy Bliss #3

I am lucky. I have known a lot of my friends for at least over 10 or 12 years. I find once I meet a new friend, they become friends for a long time. This friend is no different.

I met her through another friend, and since then we have travelled to places like New York City, enjoyed long weekend cabin excursions and have done a lot of “silly” together. We even realized that we both love the arts and opera! Sure, like with all your friends you have differences, but we’ve sure found more things we enjoy than not. And usually with the “silly” there are a lot of laughs.

I chose to end my series of friend interviews with this friend. Its because I knew what it took for her to be “interviewed” much less for it to be posted on a blog – something in the past she would NEVER do even if you bribed her with her favourite craft beer. So the fact that she did this, brings me joy, for her.

She stepped out of her comfort zone. And is doing it at a time, when most folks suggest that due to people’s age, they won’t change. So her being willing to be a part of this is even doubly more special and “joyous” for her.

So here.we.go!

So, spring is here and it means a time for renewal and fresh perspectives. So what are some fresh perspectives that have given you joy?

Yes, fresh perspective. Something I think I have to all the time. Because sometimes you get caught up in day to day living and well, it can wear you down physically and emotionally.
You have to look at things with fresh eyes and look at how to reenergize yourself and for me a big example was when I had a harder time in my life and I realized that to get through it, I had to concentrate on positive things every day.

So how exactly did you do that?

Well, I started out with small things like choosing to focus on the sunrise or looking or learning how others approached a situation and looked at what was good or positive about that. What I realized was that joy or positivity doesn’t always fall on your lap. You have to go out there and look for it.

Sounds too easy, no?

There was a time that each day was about some form of despair or depression. Its not easy. I am not sure exactly what brought me out of that but realizing you have to make a choice because life is going on around you and if you don’t find something to motivate you its just going to keep getting worse. So sometimes I fake it till I make it. But I realized that I can’t life in isolation and if you don’t actively put yourself in a positive spot, it won’t happen. You have to force yourself into that mindset.

So what is one of those bliss moments for you?

Mine is my saxophone. Although I had to push myself to learn the saxophone, I love it. I knew nothing about playing the saxophone and I just had to find a way to believe in myself and push myself to find situations that brought me joy. No one is going to take your hand and one day I just wanted to play music and found myself joining a jazz band. Of all things! I would have missed out on something that brought me so much joy! And today, I can’t imagine what if I never just “did it” – how much I would have missed out on!

So I’ve asked folks in our circle, what would be some hints and tips for folks. What would be some that you’d want to suggest?

1) Take daily baby steps – I learned to recognize I just kept doing the same daily routines. And there was nothing special or something I could appreciate. I find myself walking outside and seeing the sun shine and the birds sing and seeing it as my “Disney” moment. Finding joy doesn’t have to a big thing, and it can be all the small things around you that make you crack a smile.

To get through those hard times, you just have to chunk things into manageable steps. You can’t get focussed on the big end goal. Focus on the mini steps and each little step you take celebrate…and then take the next small step. It’s true – one day you look back and you realize “you did it” but focussing on the whole end goal, is just too overwhelming.

2) If you have a hard time finding the small things, it may mean you have to start slowing down and taking it all in. I now have to take a minute to look around me and find what would once look like the most insignificant thing, like a puddle, gives me joy. Or walking past a park with kids playing and hearing a silly story, can bring you joy! I think I had to learn to stop and look around and some days really look around and take just a little more time to reflect. I realized that we are surrounded by beauty and fun and the incredulity of the plant. How often do we look up at the stars or a blade of grass and be fascinated?

3) You are not alone. We all go through crap. I have realized that no one is living a beautiful life and with perfection. We falsely assume people have it all and that’s a high bar to live up to. And its not the case. So sometimes you have to let go of these false thoughts and realize everyone is just like you and trying to sort life out.

The world can be crushing if you think you are along. So I also look to others and see what is making t hem happy. By watching others, I can learn and see what brings others joy. Its ok to open up to other people and who understand you and its ok and safe to do that. And if you find that others are going through it, it helps. At the same time, you can’t get overly caught up in sharing how bad things are…that’s not good either. So you have to share and then also keep moving forward and not getting stuck in complaining!

4) Remember – this too shall pass. When you go to try something new, you can talk yourself out of it. When you step out of your comfort zone, this feeling of awkwardness and fear, will pass. I have to remind myself to relax, and breathe.

I was listening to a podcast one day and the therapist was chatting with a young adult who was anxious about going to class and was feeling isolated. And I remember what the therapist said “its 5 seconds” and this will pass. Its such a short period of time, so why not just reach out to someone? Its just 5 seconds! And I thought “how true”. Just stepping out of your zone, means taking 5 seconds, doing something different, and then, those 5 seconds of discomfort are over! And you moved forward.

So when I learned my saxophone (something that took me out of my comfort zone), I just pulled out a poster I had with one of my favourite quotes, and just said “right” and went for my lesson. So find that phrase or favourite quote that gets you to move forward and remind yourself to keep improving or advancing. Whatever fear you are feeling, will pass and sometimes you have to replace that fearful thought with a new thought!

The wins when you step out of your comfort zone!

So this sounds great but what if you slip back into your old ways?

When I recognized that things at work were getting me down about a month ago, I realized that you can’t completely guard yourself against feeling bad. So sometimes I think you have to recognize that you can’t pull yourself out of feeling bad, instantly. When things are weighing on us, you have to force yourself to find the happy things to focus on but you also have to be kind to yourself when you do find yourself feeling down. And you have to put things into perspective.

For example, a coworker left work a few months ago. When she left, I realized she was my anchor at work and kept me positive….and when she left, I realized my anchor left and worried how worse things at work were going to get. And then after stewing, I realized that you just have to accept the anger and feeling depressed but no situation will be forever.

So you have to adapt. And maybe you have to use a new coping mechanism and maybe you need a break. And for me that was playing the sax (saxophone) and reading. And after a while I realized – that didn’t help so I needed to change my routine and reassess.

Life is crazy and messy and you just have to choose to move forward and you can’t stay stuck in that one place forever. But you just have to move forward. And its hard but 5 seconds of discomfort and you’re already one step ahead.

Bliss Reflection

Years ago, my friend probably would have never agreed to be interviewed for this blog. So it’s pretty amazing that she agreed to doing this. I know that sharing her story was probably putting her way put of her comfort zone. I know – I saw her struggle to try to share and could feel the tension between wanting to just stop and knowing she had to keep going.

I didn’t force her to keep going. She wanted to.. I admire her for doing this and her spirit. She knew this new journey in blogging has brought me joy and she in turn wanted to support it even though it made her uncomfortable. Wow.

I am grateful that she wanted to share her story. I think when you have someone want to grow like she does, you have to admire it. It gives me hope and reminds me that I am never stuck and if she can do this, so can I. And that gives me joy.

Bliss Hints and Tips

– Still not convinced? That’s ok. Here are some more hints and tips on stepping out of your comfort zone and also one from the Inside of Happiness.

Random Act of Kindness: 8 Tips That Work

Random Act of Kindness: 8 Tips That Work

As I said in my earlier post, How to Take Some Baby Steps, feeding my curiosity brings me joy. And while I am discovering what brings me joy, I also want to discover what brings my “squad” or circle of friends joy too.

So I decided to start interviewing my friends and asking them, what gives you bliss or joy? Surprisingly, and maybe because we are friends, I discovered some similarities even though I interviewed them separately. But also heard about some key differences.

While they each presented differing circumstances and very personal stories, they all realized that in order to find joy, they had to:

1) step out of their comfort zone
2) consciously choose to reframe or rethink how they looked at a situation and do that on a daily basis
3) take baby steps – no bing bang or one and done changes
4) realize they are just like everyone else around them and everyone started “here” at one point or another
5) be kind to themselves as they were “stretching”

Here is Buddy Bliss #2.

Buddy Bliss #2

Although each of my friends asked for anonymity, I can assure all of them are real. My second friend and I have been friends for over 45 years (sorry to my friend for revealing your age). Since we were little, we have probably spent every second or third weekend together. In our younger years, we played “Charlie’s Angels” in our front yard and in our young adult years we travelled and now in our “best years” we enjoy camping and evening fires and a nice glass of wine. We reminisce and laugh a lot. But not sure we have ever asked each other these kinds of questions. And so I set out to ask them – what brings you joy?”


Its finally spring. Time for renewal, being renewed and thinking anew. Can you think of a time when you chose to look at a situation differently and its proven to give you joy?

Oh my. OK. I think what brings me joy is talking or acknowledging somehow and in some way the people I see or pass. So if I am walking down a hall at work, I will nod my head to, or smile and say Hi to whomever I pass. I’ll say “Hi” to the construction workers working on my house and take a moment to chat with them! If it’s a janitor in the building or a complete stranger that I pass, I will at least greet them.

What kind of examples do you have? Who do you talk to?

Well…almost anyone is who I talk to.

Sometimes I connect with people I haven’t connected in a while. Even at work. One time I just kind of reached out to a branch that I knew had stuff going on. And just by a simple question and reaching out, people just opened up. Wow – did they share. And it does feel good to know that you could be there for that person.

It could be the construction workers at my workplace. By the time they are done, I know their hobbies, their likes, things about their families, etc.

Sometimes with young children in my family, I love seeing the world through their eyes. Looking up and seeing an airplane for the first time. And for a moment, you get caught in that wonder and amazement. It just does something for the soul to be amazed especially when you get caught up in focussing on your daily chores and lives.

Or for another office coworker who was experiencing grief, I reached out. I never really hung out with this individual, but I just wanted to reach out and just sent a short email. I was surprised by their reaction. They shared that they were contemplating resigning because they thought people around the office didn’t care. Me reaching out to them, meant something to them. And then I thought – this could be me one day. And what if I needed someone to just reach out?

So moments like these want me to stay connected to people and staying connected or connecting people, is my joy.

Why do you do this? (Laughing) Aren’t you worried folks will think you “strange”?

I am not exactly sure why. I guess life can be “heavy filled” with losses and burdens enough. People may carry all of this. Everyone has a story behind their lives – they have families, friends, and deep worlds within them and stuff we don’t see.

Even before Covid, I chose to make this my practice. And especially during Covid, when we were so separated, I feel to do it even more. I guess I see that we all are connected – there’s that human connection that I think about. I like people, even though some can be (insert expletive).

But we all have hard times and have that “story” and maybe a story of victory. And I like kind of acknowledging that “I see you” and sometimes if folks are carrying “things” that sometimes is all that person needs and that makes me feel good too.

I like people with all their faults and quirks and their stories. I love seeing all that – people are interesting to me.

Sometimes I think its also my faith. My faith – the very friendly and inclusive version – has been my foundation. I believe in kindness and believing in helping however you can, however small. We just need to give more of ourselves and not turn our back on one another. Covid has really strengthened that for me.

And well, we have one go around at life, and you have to make it count. And this is one of my ways of making it count.

What if you couldn’t do this anymore, for whatever reason?

If I couldn’t do it anymore? I’d feel a sorrow or a loss. Kind of silly, but my people at the grocery store know me, my contractors know me, and we just have so few changes to connect with people. I would feel like I am missing out. I guess I find it comforting. And knowing that these people broadens my worlds. You learn so much about people and their customs, traditions and beliefs and you realize that they are not better than your own, and help you grow. So I see this learning as a “win”.

Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone like you do, requires a daily reminder and daily action. How do you do that?

I use this phrase “my joy is your joy and I take pleasure in your joy”. I feel such pleasure and joy when I see somebody else happy.

I just remind myself “can there be such a thing as too much kindness in this world”. And we know the answer to that question – no!

I also live by another quote “the best way to get an old friend is to get a new friend”.

So if folks are reading this and a finding doing this awkward or uncomfortable, what advice do you have to share about how you break out of that “fear”?


  • The more you do it, the easier it gets. Of course. It starts with a simple Hi and in my experiences everyone says Hi back.
  • Just eye contact and acknowledging the person with a head nod or wave makes me feel human. And human to human, I feel I am acknowledging them.
  • Realize you have nothing to lose and who knows you might make a new acquaintance
  • Accept that the outcome isn’t always a conversation. There is no pressure to have a discussion.
  • I always try to walk with open body language and speak with a positive tone.
  • If you do this with someone that you pass frequently or often, then just start with a Hi. Those first initial Hi’s matter.
  • Believe that sometimes you meet people for a reason. And as the saying goes, you meet people for a reason, or a season or a lifetime. The goal isn’t an expectation that this will be a lifetime, but I sure enjoy my life more knowing that I have had thousands of these small “warm” contacts.
  • Try not to worry if you will look “odd”. I figure, what do you have to lose. If they don’t answer you, or ignore you – so what?

When I asked you to think about a bliss story, did you think you would go here?

Gee, no. Not at all. This went where I didn’t think it would go. Wow. (Laughing). Sometimes it takes somebody to remind you to look around a bit. Its quite wondrous.

Bliss Reflection

As long as I known my friend, she has done this – waved and said Hi to complete strangers. Whether its truck drivers that we pass on a highway or a grocery store clerk – she will take a moment to wave Hi or crack a joke.

And I can tell you first hand, that no one looks at her strangely. And if in the rare instance they do, it becomes a moment that is forgotten quickly.

What isn’t forgotten is how for a brief moment two people connected over a Hi and a smile. You can see how the other person lights up or lightens when they realize a complete stranger “sees them” or is curious about them.

Its this random act of kindness that only costs you a “hi” and stepping our of your comfort zone for a few seconds. And sometimes this random act can lead to a new friend, or a new business contact or just a moment in your day where you’ve heard a great story. So the next time you pass a stranger, will you smile and say “hi”?

Bliss Hints and Tips

  • So if saying Hi to strangers isn’t your thing, check out some other random acts of kindness ideas.
  • Want to be really random? Try this tool from You can click a button and it will tell you which act to do today.

How 5 Baby Steps Can Bring You to Wellness

How 5 Baby Steps Can Bring You to Wellness

Feeding my curiosity brings me joy. And while I am discovering what brings me joy, I am also wanting to discover what brings others joy too.

So I decided to start interviewing my friends and asking them, what gives you bliss or joy? Surprisingly, and maybe because we are friends, I discovered some similarities even though I interviewed them separately. But also heard about some key differences.

While they each presented differing circumstances and very personal stories, they all realized that in order to find joy, they had to:

1) step out of their comfort zone
2) consciously choose to reframe or rethink how they looked at a situation and do that on a daily basis
3) take some baby steps – no bing bang or one and done changes
4) realize they are just like everyone else around them and everyone started “here” at one point or another
5) be kind to themselves as they were “stretching”

Here is Buddy Bliss #1

Buddy Bliss #1

Although each of my friends asked for anonymity, I can assure all of them are real. My second friend is my sister. So I guess you can say we’ve been friends for life. Since we were little, we have probably spent every second or third weekend together. In our younger years, we played “Charlie’s Angels” in our front yard and in our young adult years we travelled and now in our “best years” we enjoy camping and evening fires and a nice glass of wine. We reminisce and laugh a lot. But not sure we have ever asked each other these kinds of questions. And so I set out to ask them – what brings you joy?”


So what moment in your life do you think you had to choose a “fresh” perspective on things?

So when I joined cross-fit 6 years ago and was 60lbs heavier – I was the slowest, and heaviest I have ever been. When my mom passed away and I realized that I had stopped living in order to take care of her. She was my focus. And while I knew my mom was well looked after, I could tell that it had consumed me and I fell into a bit of a depression. And the weight came on.

And I knew after she passed away, I needed to change things – for myself.

So what did you do? Where did you start?

I just started moving. Just to get a new flow going. I knew someone who had done cross-fit and they asked me to join them. And I said I would give it a try and see how it goes. And I ended up loving it! And I think the real shift in thinking was that I realized that this wasn’t about “exercise” but enjoying the movement for the sake of movement. And I began to wonder “why do I enjoy this so much?”

And what was the answer?

Because I loved pushing myself and I loved that they help push me. And movement helps me feel much less burdened. And I need that.

Tell me more about those early days? Why didn’t you just give up?

I started enjoying it and the movement, and I realized I had to remind myself when I was my slowest and heaviest, that this wasn’t about me keeping up with these super fit people. But the super fit people helped make me want to stretch. And this was just about me improving. And that helped me stay with it.

What else seemed to keep you going?

Well during the lockdowns in Covid, it gave me some social interaction (even virtually) and allowed me to be with others. Like I said, the movement and moving around was helpful for my mental health. (Laughing) and by moving it helped me not want to take a fork and stab someone in the eye.

Once I started seeing the progress and getting better, well of course you have a feeling of accomplishment. So of course that keeps you going.

And I find the gym owner and his vision really inspired me. He had a vision about the principles that the gym would be based on – how it had to be inclusive and challenging (but not hard or impossible). He also meets me where I am at that day and he wants to praise us even for the small steps. He would even make sure that all his staff were trained with the same principles and ideals so you get that same feeling no matter who you meet or work with at the gym.

So what are some hints and tips you would suggest to folks who are where you were?

1) Experiment. Cross -fit was a fit for me, but it may not be for everyone. And that’s ok. I also experimented with a few things at first. People should keep trying until they find the one thing that they love. And then the motivation becomes not about pushing those 5 extra pounds but the joy of doing something they love.

2) Accept the discomfort and don’t fear it. It will feel uncomfortable. Just focus on your why. And don’t be bothered by the uncomfortable in those early days – that will pass. But focus on the joy the activity brings. It will help you move forward.

3) Forgive yourself for the days you don’t feel like it, and try not to shame. I had days where I didn’t feel like it. I would tell myself in the morning, that if after hour of sitting and relaxing the in the morning, I still didn’t feel like, then don’t go. But I allowed myself to not make a rash decision, allowed myself to get up slowly and THEN make a decision about the gym. And I think like in 5 years, I have not gone 2 times. And if on the day I go, I know I am not feeling my best, I still go but I choose to do something light and make the goal “just moving”.

4) You’re not alone. So many folks come to the gym and “just don’t feel like it”. Just like me. And knowing that not everyone in the gym is feeling 100%, makes it more ok for me to just be.

5) Don’t let “shyness” limit you or hold you back. I am a shy person and I realized when I started, that I did not have to talk to people. As much as we think people are watching us, they are not. And on the days you feel comfortable talking to others, say Hi, or approach and chat with the folks that you feel most comfortable with.

And give yourself time. I now find that the gym has become a place where I go to have fun. And now we’ve all had to work through our shyness and today we cheer each other on and its kind of fun and interactive. But in those early days, I didn’t pressure myself and when it felt right, I said “Hi”.

So what is a phrase, song or saying that you repeat to help you keep going?

Well this is what’s weird. When I go to the gym, there’s a “%^@#” Rocky poster over the door. It is such a man cave thing and hated it. And today when you ask me this question, I realize that I actually have been using that poster as my mantra. “Always remember that its just one more rep, one more step and just gotta go one more round”. Shoot. Maybe that posted did have an impact on me LOL

That %^&$ poster about taking some baby steps.

Basia’s Bliss Reflections

I have known these individuals for many many years. And even after 40 years, I am always surprised by what I learn about them. And yet again, I am surprised and fascinated about the human spirit to keep one pushing forward to find…joy.

And what I have also learned is that nothing is ever static. While it may feel like you are stuck in a time, or a state, you are not actually “stuck” but you really feel that you are. And how a simple and basic goal like “just need to move” can open so many doors and lead to many new experiences.

I also realized that maybe as friends, we need to ask each other more questions like “what gives you joy?” While I knew my friends for many many years, I realized that while we share many shared experiences, stories, tears and laughter, its something different to ask these kinds of “meaningful” questions – questions that help you see their soul. It’s quite powerful when you do. So when was the last time you asked one of your good friends “so what brings you joy?”

Bliss Hints and Tips

  • Wanting to know more about this gym’s owner and philosophy? Check out Starke Fitness.
  • Read about the latest research around the impact of taking small baby steps.
  • Here are some other tips folks have used to make big changes in their lives, just by taking some baby steps.

Gardening Joy: The Stunning Zinnia

Gardening Joy:  The Stunning Zinnia

Many years ago, my mom was the master gardener in the family. I was always amazed on how she knew what to plant, where and when. She always had this “magic” with flowers and only used natural or organic solutions and always seem to have an abundance of vegetables and flowers in her garden.

Amazing Flower

One of the “go to” plants she loved was the zinnia. Zinnias (pictured below) are plants that resemble daisies but come in a wide array of bright spring and summertime colours. Imagine bright orange, yellow, pink, red, salmon, beige flowers, some the width of an average palm of the hand, peppered throughout your yard. They also are breathtaking in a flower arrangement in a vase, and if you change the water regularly, they can last from 7-10 days.

The Look

Depending on the species, the Zinnias can have a daisy like characteristic or an almost “pom-pom” like look to them. They grow on very strong stalks and some of mine have gone “crooked” (probably because I didn’t support the stalk as it was growing and the flowers began to add some weight). As I mentioned, the flowers are the “superstars” of flowers (next to peonies, my mom’s other favourite).

Growing Season in Colder Climates

Zinnias flower usually from early summer to the Fall, and do not disappoint. While I resisted growing plants from my mom’s “era”, I realized just how right she was. These flowers can be grown in seed trays before the spring planting season or can be planted directly into the ground.

I find in my garden they do better in my west and south facing gardens, but I have grown them in my east and north gardens. And yes, these can be grown in northern climates quite successfully but when the frost hits, they usually start to look burned or weak, and eventually the leaves go brown quickly. So in this climate, they are annuals but you can harvest seeds from these plants, and store them for next year. More on that later.

Planting, Spacing and Layout

You can purchase species that are shorter and ideal for borders (about 12”) but most of them seem to come in heights from 24” to about 36”. They need a little space because these grow wider and taller and make perfect “3rd row” plant.

Third row? Let me explain – my garden has 3 rows of plants typically, “front line” (first row or border), “splash” (second row with medium tall plants ) and “the wow” row (third row and usually closer to 3 ft). So for the last few years, I have elected to put the species of Zinnias in my third row, and they don’t disappoint.

Some plants thrived and some didn’t make it. Next yer, I will space these out a little more. Please ignore the tubing – that’s me trying to establish a soaker system (that is not quite ready.)

Depending on your preference or the look you are going for, you can plant them all in one colour and make a bold statement, or mix them up for some cheerfulness to your garden. I tend to plant the Zinnias so that there is a splash of different colours. I love seeing the pop of colour.

I have grown mine in both containers and in flower beds. They seem to do well in both settings. I have also grown them in my south facing rock gardens, and they almost thrive in these very warm environments. The one environment I noticed they don’t do as well in are more shady (full shade) areas. They grow in shade but they seem to take longer and a few of my plants in the shade never “made it” and died. But for the majority of the yard, they are show flowers.

Companion Plants

I am curious to hear about the other plant combinations folks have done with zinnias, but I have found the Cosmos plants to offer some nice contrast to the Zinnia. The Cosmos plant has a nice bushy look to it, with delicate “fern like” leaves and also have a daisy looking flower. Sometimes I plant 2 Zinnia plants to every 1 Cosmos just for some contrast and “texture”.

Harvesting Seeds

The other great thing about the Zinnias, is that you can harvest the seeds. So if you find a particular plant and love the colour of the flower or the details in it, you just have to patiently wait for the flower to completely dry out. Once it does, you pick the flower off, and start pulling apart the head of the flower where you will find these brown tipped seeds. Seeds can be stored in a paper bag, in a cool but dry place. As an experiment, I have also dropped the seeds directly into the soil late in the fall, and have had some of the plants return in the spring, after being insulated by snow. But harvesting is easy, you just need to wait for the flower to dry out completely (and look almost light tan to brown and all of the colour gone.)

Summer 2022

Last summer (2021) it was very very hot where we were and most flowers and gardens struggled (because it would mean we would need to water daily and soak the flower bed so that it could survive in the heat). In that extreme heat (even atypical for us in more northern environments) it was difficult to keep my “three rows” thriving.

So 2021 was a bit of a write off. However, the Zinnias still did well even though a few plants perished. Some of the pictures I posted below are from 2021, but I am really looking to 2022 because I hope to get my three rows growing again. An now that I also know to stake some of my plants along with avoiding shady areas, I hope to have that dazzle of colour well into 2022.

Note: All plants on this post are from my own garden in 2021.

Bliss Reflection

This flower, whether in the garden or in the vase, just brightens up your day. It’s a hardy plant that just awes you.

But I think the true joy comes from me being able to continue my mom’s tradition of flowers. She loved these flowers and always had the green thumb that resulted in every single one of her Zinnia to sprout and grow.

These flowers remind me of her smile and her joy. She sadly is no longer with us, and so these plants always remind me of how she would always teach me gardening, and how she would tell us “how good her Zinnia’s looked this year”. And each time I look at my Zinnia’s, I remmber how she would say ”Zinnia” in her thick Polish accent. It always sounded more elegant than the english version! And like any European that grew up I the war, she knew how to harvest the seeds and keep her garden blooming year after year, without spending hundreds of dollars.

So when these plants ”light up” my garden, its as if, she is there. She is all over my garden, and I know she smiles when she sees my garden and those Zinnias. It’s like I have hundreds of her smiles all over my yard.

Bliss Finds and Facts

  • For a trusted source on the zinnia, check out even more detailed information from
  • And if you want to know what compantion plants go well with Zinnias, check this out.
  • And if you want to know everything that is on the web about Zinnias, and get ALL your questions answered, click here.

The Joy of Watching the Norwich Play

The Joy of Watching the Norwich Play

This past winter where we live, has been long and dark. As a result, I had to find a way to keep my now senior dog engaged and working his brain. Happy dog, happy life, right? A great solution (referred to me by another dog owner) is the Nina Ottoson line of pet toys.

Toys and Options

Nina Ottoson specializes in creating toys that help dogs (and cats) do what comes natural to them: hunt. The company has a series of toys and each help your four legged creature practice new skills, and practice at different levels. The reward for hunting? Just some of their everyday kibble or a special treat or snack.

Toys are predominantly made out of plastic (at least the ones I have purchased) are washable (soap and water and top tray dishwasher safe), and come in all shapes and sizes. Many of them require our furry friends to use eyes, nose, paws, and sometimes a combination of all of the above. Treats are hidden in a vary of compartments and under levels and layers. Play time can vary and the first time, usually takes longer as the dog tries to figure out what movement they need to do, in order to uncover their treat.

Games come in 4 levels, and toys generally require a compartment from being swung open, a lever being tapped, or a cover being removed. Using their nose is a MUST!

Cost for the toys vary and depending on where you live can run anywhere from about $15 or so up to $30. They sometimes go on sale on amazon, and are available in pet stores.


So far, we have used the Dog Tornado and the Dog Smart toys (and we have the Brick ready to go). My little pup loves both toys, and very quickly was able to figure out the “movement”. I was worried he wouldn’t get it, but I should have had more faith in my buddy!

He’s quickly mastered both games, and loves the challenge. He uses all of himself to pop compartments open, and uses his mouth, teeth, nose, and paws. He may struggle getting a compartment open, but once he picks up the scent, he is determined.

And after months of use, the toys show no signs of wear and tear. Very sturdy so far in fact!

He’s also an older dog and he loves these toys. So I think these toys will suit dogs young and old. I love that his brain is challenged and for 20 minutes or so, he is entertained and feeling “accomplished”.

I don’t know why I didn’t learn about these toys sooner. But I am glad that I did, today. So is Ziggy.

Bliss Reflection

It goes to say, watching any child or pet play gives you joy. I don’t need to over analyze it. Watching your furry friend get pleasure out of accomplishing a task, and being rewarded is just….fun. In many ways it’s therapeutic.

It’s a perfect way to unwind, and for a brief moment, forget about what is happening at your office. The power of play I guess. I guess I just realized its my own way of being in the moment, and allowing myself and him, just have a good time – no judgement, and no expectations. It’s just a moment of pure bliss!

Note: I have not received any payment or incentive or any other forms of promotion from Nina Ottoson. This review is my own.

Bliss Finds and Facts

  • Nina Ottoson has a very informative website that can help you decide which toy is best for your furry friend – cats and dogs alike. The site also helps you purchase toys best on levels of difficulty – level 1 for easier games and level 4 for the most challenging. We are in Level 1 and 2.
  • For folks looking to marry high tech and interactive pet toys, look into some of these suggestions.
My furry friend trying his new toy!

How to Start Your Own Blog in 5 Steps

How to Start Your Own Blog in 5 Steps

Heads up: I am an affiliate (and fan) of Bluehost. I may receive a small commission that will get me a coffee or two (or three). This will be at no cost to you. Also, I only share info about products I love and have vetted.

First, if you told me that I was going to start my own blog a few yours ago, my response would have been “no way!” And here I am today, with!

Now, while I may know a thing or two about computers, I am not “blog” savvy. In fact, I had no clue where to start.

And then after watching new blogs appear, and after conducting searches and coming upon blogs, I became curious. How do all these folks know how to program their blog? Do I need to take courses? Will I have to program in code?

The answer is no. And if I can do this, you can do this! Sure, it took a little getting used to, but 2 months in and I think I have my groove thanks to Bluehost and WordPress.

This is where WordPress and Bluehost comes in!

WordPress, in my viewpoint, is a writing and design tool that helps create and layout posts without needing to know any “code” or programming. Everything you see online for is designed using WordPress. It’s much more powerful than a writing tool, as you will see, but for simplicity, it’s the tool to help write your blog.

Whereas Bluehost is the tool that helps “host” your WordPress site or blog. It’s the platform that gets your site on the Internet. I look at it like an envelope that wraps around your blog and it offers additional services that help ensure your site is protected, optimized and operating effectively.

Step1: Register for the Bluehost + WordPress Account

I did a little comparing and reading up about the different products out there. I ultimately decided to do Bluehost + WordPress because I wanted the blogging software and hosting environment all in one. I also liked that there was customer support with Bluehost because I knew I couldn’t go it alone. (And I haven’t regretted it – their customer support has been fantastic!)

Go to You can pick a few plans that suit your needs. I chose the “Choice Plus” because I wanted less headache in terms of adding on things, and so picked an option for me that was 1) affordable, and 2) inclusive and included the important basics like domain name, security, SEO, and of course, WordPress.

When you are ready, pick your option and then go to Step 2.

Step 2: Pick your Domain Name

Your domain name is going to be your future blog address. However, I actually didn’t know what my blog’s name was going to be and was able to use an automated domain name at the beginning. (And when I had my name, I contact Bluehost customer service and the very friendly and knowledgeable staff helped me change it, and made it very easy). So if you are unsure, just click “I’ll pick my domain name later”.

If you do know your domain name, or are transferring an existing domain, enter it in the appropriate box.

When I picked my domain name, I tried to pick something that was short, identified me, and also identified what my blog was going to be about. And in my case, I called it “Basia’s Bliss”. But ti took a few pages of lists and surveying friends before I landed.

One last thing about the domain – if you purchase a domain while you purchase the hosting, you will also get the domain for free for a year.

Next, Step 3.

Step 3: Registration, Options and Payment

You’re making progress!

  • Type in your Name, Address and Postal Code
  • Confirm the plan you wish to purchase
  • Pick the options you wish to purchase such as safety and security features such as SiteLock, etc
  • Enter your payment information

Next, type in your username and password (for the first time), and create your account.

And then, voila – there you have it, Success! You now have the tools you need to start typing on your blog!

On to Step 4.

Step 4: Login and Launch

Using the same username and password from Step3, enter your blog account.

And then……. click the “Create your website” and begin your new blogging journey.

Select the “Customize” option or the “Beginners” option. (I of course picked “Beginners” because this felt very foreign to me, so I wanted to make sure I got all the help I needed.

Click “Start Building” and go to Step 5

Step 5: Design and Explore

Once you have picked the version of WordPress, this is where the fun begins!

A Theme is your “look” or its layout. You have many to pick from and it all depends on the look you want. Spend some time looking and pick the one that suits you and your vision for the blog.

For example – I knew that my blog was going to be out joy and would be light-hearted, so I looked for themes that fit that topic.

Bluehost + WordPress have free ones and premium ones. I ended up picking a free one initially. And not to worry, you can change your theme later and can pick a “premium” version. Not long after typing a few blogs, I ended up switching my theme to a premium version.

Next, start designing your pages of your blog.

Use the WordPress easy step below and it will guide you through your first pages!!!!

And finally, you are a blogger.

5 Last Hints and Tips:

  1. Take it slowly. I remember starting and not understanding posts versus pages or struggling to figure out what a post should look and feel like. I tried to first focus solely on posts, and then began to worry about the set up of the home page, contact page, etc.
  2. Rome wasn’t built in a day. You will have to figure out security features, how to collect stats, and what the heck SEO is (I am still sorting that out today). All in due time. Be patient and you will have time to sort this other stuff out.
  3. Get a good book that explains WordPress or blogging. I purchased a few books and found the “Blogging for Dummies” a great guide or WordPress: The Missing Manual. Both were my lifeline when I got overwhelmed and lost. I have now purchased several more books and find reading then applying a good way to keep “improving” my understanding and my site.
  4. When you are truly stuck and trying to change your domain name, or anything technical – reach out to Bluehost customer support. I have had to use them a few times, and found them to be extremely prompt, professional, friendly and knowledgeable. And they always were able to help me solve my problem! This is a main reason I have chosen to feature Bluehost because I am very impressed with both their tools and their level of customer service.
  5. Join a bloggers group on Facebook. Having a group of bloggers to consult, or ask questions is beneficial. They also help each other expand your reach!

And lastly, have fun. I have truly found some joy in blogging and love learning a new skill. Hoping you will too. And Bluehost+WordPress will help you get going quickly!