The Joy of Getting Lost in a Cave

The Joy of Getting Lost in a Cave

Is a cave artwork?

The answer is yes and its nature’s artwork. My whole life, I have never stepped into a cave – a live cave – that continues to grow its formations. Recently, I fed that curiosity and for the first time in my life I wandered and got lost in a cave in Missouri.


Missouri is known for its caves. This particular cave is located down in the Ozarks, which is about a three hours drive from St.Louis. The Ozarks by itself has a lot to see including caves. The Bridal Caves, my first ever cave, didn’t disappoint.


The Bridal Caves, first protected in 1948, are named after a long history of “hosting” nuptuals for ancient people. The caves are located under Thunder Mountain and are located in the heart of the Ozarks in the Thunder Mountain State Park. There is a well told story where ancient local people – the Osage Native Americans – would crawl through this long and claustrophobic tunnel only to exchange vows inside these grand caves. That, is commitment.


On a hot and muggy Missouri day, you get a nice reprieve and enter a cool 60F environment, 30 feet below the surface. The cave comes alive and wows you from the minute you enter its chambers. Tall structures wrap around you as you meander through the many tunnels and entries. Colours or orange, gold, brown, white and red are all over. Wow.

You will learn about the many rock sculptures, how this cave is continuing to grow and see a wide array of formations ranging from “soda straw” looking structures to impressive rockscapes. Stalagmites, stalactite, and flowstones all over. You see formations that grow slowly from the ceiling and come down, and in another chamber you see ones growing from the ground up.

When you get to the end of the cave, you are surprised by a “Mystery Lake” that showcases true azure blue and teal colours. All this beauty deep in the heart of the cave structure.

One note – I had maybe not gone into caves because I thought I would be claustrophobic. I am pleased to say – I did well. Sure there were points where the walls were a little close, but I just kept focussed on the beauty and knowing the oxygen was flowing around me everywhere. And I am now raring to go to my next cave!

Bliss Reflection

Trying something new will always give you joy. But marvelling at how nature knows how to do”this”is what really gives me joy. I can learn for hours and still ask questions.

Caves continue to grow. Their formations are alive and as the years go by, they continue to create new sculptures. The colours or the rock change as the minerals, air and water interacts and you are suddenly under a 30 ft high ceiling, with smooth rock cascading down to your feet.

Caves are an unique form of art. They are impressive and grand. And what is most impressive, is the human hand has nothing to do with it. This is all nature.

Bliss Finds and Facts