Finding Your Northstar

Finding Your Northstar

Being a leader gives me joy. Hard to believe I have been a “leader” since I was 18 (I am now north of 45, more like 50!) I wasn’t always a good leader – it was a skill I had to keep refining and nurturing and doing and making mistakes and promising myself not to repeat it again. 

Those early days were a little painful. I was mistaken and thought a leader meant being in control. Wrong! While I have forgiven myself for not knowing better, I now see that there was a different approach I could have taken – one where you coach, mentor and encourage, and where you share a future vision, set standards and hold people accountable. I came to that realization through self reflection (which I’ll discuss in a later blog) and finding my “north star”. My mental model that helped me “own” my style of leadership was from a book I had read by Kouzes and Posner, called The Leadership Challenge

Bliss Reflection #7

That’s when life changed for me as a leader. If it wasn’t for me making some painful mistakes, I don’t think I would have been motivated to reflect and ask myself if what I had been doing as a leader was working. (That’s always an important question to ask yourself as a leader.) I realized that what I had been doing, was not ”me” or me being authentically myself. So after searching through many many books on leadership, I finally found the one – ”The Leadership Challenge” – that I thought “yah, this is it, this makes complete sense”. The model isn’t complicated, and the book does an excellent job of explaining the model and each of the five elements:

  • Create a Shared Vision
  • Challenge the Status Quo
  • Model the Way
  • Enable Others to Act
  • Encourage the Heart

Each one resonates for me, and whether I have been in for-profit, non-profit, in health or education, I have found that this model works for me, and works every single time. It works in times of chaos and stress and in times of stability, it works with millennials and mature employees and it works in small and large teams. Having this “north star” has allowed me to ”own” my style and to be consistent in it. It has helped turn my leadership around from being ”controlling” to now building leaders who go on to be great leaders. I’ll feature each of the five elements later in my blogs, but this model has changed the way I lead.Once you practice it everyday, it becomes almost rote -not in a robotic way, but in an “authentic in every moment” way. 

This model has helped me find the joy in leading and leading leaders. Having this model has helped me reflect on what is important to me (and to the team and the organization) and has allowed me to grow and stretch. It has taken a lot of practice and a few more mistakes (even today). But now that I have found my stride and own my style, I find great joy in seeing the impact this type of leadership has on my colleagues, my organization and my customers. What’s your leadership framework? What’s your “north star”?

Bliss Finds and Facts

  • If you want to read more about the model that works for me, check out The Leadership Challenge website. What I really like about this leadership model is that they also offer various tools and resources, including self and 360-degree assessments to help you understand what more you can do to be consistent with the model.
  • Another thought leader that I have enjoyed reading and following is Simon Sinek and his book ”Start with Why”. 

Finding Bliss in the 9-5

Finding Bliss in the 9-5

Work can sometimes drain you. But would you believe that even when you “think” that, that you can still find several moments of joy everyday?

The answer is – yes! Sometimes it comes from others and when you least expect it, but maybe when you need it the most. I have a few colleagues that worked with me in the past and have sent me a note about something I did or said as their “boss” that makes me reflect and appreciate them. What touches is me is the fact they took the time to reach out. Time out of their busy day to let me know how I made an impact on their work and their life.

Coincidences are not accidents but signals from the universe which can guide us toward our true destiny. 

– Deepak Chopra

Bliss Reflection #5

While it would be easy for me to reflect on what I did to leave that impact, I am choosing to express my gratitude to all of the former coworkers that somehow knew the right time to reach out (spiritually maybe). What’s also interesting is that they always reach out just when I question if what I do as a leader matters. Apparently, it does. I am amazed at the kind people I have been lucky to work with. Those souls that give of themselves to others.

Folks have reached out via LinkedIn and email, with physical cards and or told me ”just in the moment”. And the fact that people take the time to send these thoughts to me, is what makes me even more grateful. Each and every time, without fail.

So as Deepak Chopra points out, I am choosing to see these notes as the universe slowly guiding me in my leadership journey. Whether you believe in angels or spirit guides, these messages tell me to keep going, and tell me to keep going and to stay with style of leadership. What these folks may not realize is that I have also kept these notes and every so often, pull them out and just remind myself what really matters. To all of the kind souls – THANK YOU.

Bliss Finds and Facts

  • If you want to dig further into the meaning of coincidences or synchronicity, check out the Law of Attraction website. It’s a good launching pad to understanding how some folks view these coincidences.
  • As for gratitude and the art of expressing thanks and the benefits of doing so, read the following article from Huffington Post.

I Am Basia

I Am Basia

On a journey to find my joy in the everyday!

I chose the photo because it’s actually what I do! If I agree with an important point. I chime in with an ”exactly!” Or if my team gets something across the finish line, up goes those arms in cheer and I say ”good job guys!” Yes a little dramatic but hey, it’s me! But the photo embraces me and I couldn’t pick a better photo that says ”joy”!

So why not celebrate when you feel that moment of spring joy in the air?