Saturday SHiNE Now Moment – Lead with Humility: 4 Tips Inside!

Lead with Humility: 4 Tips for New and Aspiring Leaders

In leadership, there’s a fine line between humility, confidence, and arrogance. Understanding where that line is can make a significant difference in how we lead and inspire others.

This post will delve into the nuances of these concepts and how embracing true humility can enhance your leadership effectiveness.

Understanding the Difference:

Humility is not about being passive or lacking self-esteem. It’s about recognizing your strengths and weaknesses and knowing when to step back to allow others to shine. Confidence is the belief in your abilities, whereas arrogance is an inflated sense of those abilities, often overshadowing the contributions of others.

The Value of Humility in Leadership:

Humility plays a crucial role in leadership by creating space for others to contribute and grow. Years ago, I learned this the hard way. There was a time when I walked into a room and blurted out what I thought was the perfect solution. Only then did I realize—and have it suggested to me—that the team had already come up with an excellent idea on their own. It was a humbling experience that taught me the importance of stepping back and allowing my team’s collective intelligence to take the lead. (And once you realize this, you spend way less time managing the work of the team and more time enabling and steering.)

When Humility and Confidence Work Together:

True humility doesn’t mean diminishing your accomplishments; it’s about celebrating them alongside your team. A humble leader knows when to push forward and when to let others take the spotlight. I’ve learned that by allowing my team to own their successes and share in the decision-making process, I can build trust and foster a more collaborative environment. Celebrating small wins together reinforces the idea that every team member is crucial to our overall success.

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Over-Humility:

While humility is a vital trait, over-humility can be detrimental. Leaders who constantly downplay their contributions may inadvertently erode their team’s confidence in them. Striking a balance is key—own your successes, but always give credit where it’s due.

Authentic leaders recognize their value and aren’t afraid to take credit while ensuring their team also receives the recognition they deserve.

Tips for Practicing Humility in Leadership:

  • Celebrate Together: Acknowledge the collective effort behind successes.
  • Listen First, Speak Later: Before presenting your ideas, give your team a chance to share theirs.
  • Be Vulnerable: Share your challenges and mistakes to foster openness.
  • Give Credit Generously: Recognize and celebrate the contributions of others.

Bottom Line:

Humility in leadership is about amplifying others while remaining confident in your own abilities. It’s not about having all the answers, but about creating a space where the best answers can emerge from your team.

In my next post, I’ll explore practical scenarios where humility can be a powerful tool in your leadership toolkit.

Till next week. And keep SHiNEing.

Ps. You’ll notice that some of the links take you to my new website: It’s a work in progress, and please don’t mind the construction. It’s going through an overhaul, and will not only have the pasts posts I did but also more information on the workshops and services I hope to make available. It’s a project of love, but full of cringe-worthy moments, for now.

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