Saturday SHiNE Now Moment: SHiNE Your Way to Exceptional Leadership – H is for Humour

Your Authentic Leadership “SHiNE Now” Moment

SHiNE Your Way to Exceptional Leadership: H is for Humour

Humour in the workplace isn’t just about making people laugh; it’s a powerful tool that can transform leadership and team dynamics. Research shows that leaders who use humor effectively are often seen as more approachable and transformational, which can lead to better team performance and job satisfaction. In fact, employees with humorous leaders report higher levels of creativity and are more likely to contribute innovative ideas.

Humour Enhances Creativity and Performance

Leaders who incorporate humour create an open and friendly environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. This openness fosters creativity, as employees are more likely to brainstorm and collaborate without fear of judgment. (Cannot stress this last point enough.) Studies have found that employees who perceive their leaders as humorous are not only more satisfied with their leadership but also more productive and engaged during team meetings.

Real-World Example

Consider a leader who uses humour to ease the tension during a stressful project. By sharing a funny anecdote or a light-hearted joke, they can diffuse anxiety and create a more relaxed atmosphere. This approach not only makes the leader more approachable but also helps the team stay motivated and focused on their goals.

My real world example is hen we were assigned an almost impossible project with tight deadlines. I looked across the virtual meeting room and could see people were almost paralyzed by the task at hand, or should I say, very doubtful that it could be accomplished.

Making Humour Work for You

Using humour in leadership isn’t about being the office comedian. It’s about creating a positive, comfortable and inclusive atmosphere. Here are some guidelines for using humour effectively:

1. Keep it Positive: Avoid humour that puts others down. Instead, focus on light-hearted jokes and stories that everyone can enjoy. As I like to do, I “sprinkle” it throughout the day, and use to ease tension, or to create a warm, collegial environment. Good leaders ensure that the humour is never at someone’s expense.

2. Be Authentic: Don’t force humour. Let it come naturally and be genuine with it. This means that you don’t tell a joke for the sake of a joke but rather, when the situation needs it, you can choose to 1) laugh at yourself, 2) tell a funny story at the start of a meeting, 3) invite others to do the same, 4) or point out some ironies to lighten the tension. Or there may be another way that is truly, you.

3. Read the Room: And in rare instances, I have had to chat with someone to reflect on the appropriateness of their humour. Good leaders do 2 things: 1) read the room and know when humour is appropriate, and 2) help colleagues learn how to read the room so they can do the same.

4. Encourage Team Humour: Foster an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing a laugh. This can strengthen team bonds and improve morale. This happens if you lead by example and do it yourself. People need a nudge to know that it’s ok to share humour and once you do, then they do, and then it happens naturally. And then it snowballs.

Bottom Line

Incorporating humour into your leadership style can make a significant difference in how your team perceives you and how they perform. It’s about being approachable, fostering a positive environment, and encouraging creativity. By doing so, you can enhance your team’s performance and satisfaction, leading to a more productive and harmonious workplace.

And for the doubters in the room, I wouldn’t say that I am a funny person, telling jokes all day. In fact, that is the last thing I feel comfortable doing.

But the take away here, is NOT about telling jokes, but rather creating light hearted moments throughout the day and week at work. And inviting and openly welcoming, others to do the same. Some days it’s just seeing the humour in something, or telling that funny story about yourself, or when you make an error, finding the humour in it, and letting others know, or creating some “down time” where folks can chill around coffee. And, I have found, when used throughout the day and done “as only you can do”, it really works. And work is stressful enough as it is (and it doesn’t need to be.)

So, you can make a choice as a leader. Stressful, accountable and serious, OR relaxed, accountable, and light hearted.

I think I had more folks at my door, wanting to share news, issues before they became a thing and new ideas, a lot more as a result. (And if you asked my admin staff, they observed that line up often!)

So try it, and over time, you will find YOUR groove. But it’s essential to do it.

What’s Next

Start your journey with SHiNE today and if you need to know where to start, refer to your workbook.

And look for a course / webinar in the Fall that I will be launching on SHiNE. More details to come. And as a complement to the 7 week course, I also will be launching the weekly membership portal SHiNE Together: The Network starting July 29, 2024.

Look for next week’s deeper dive into SHiNE – Standards and Having a Service Mindset, where I’ll look deeper into what that really means in the workplace.

See you then!

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